1 / 10
Choose the correct one about the dimesnion and fact tables?
2 / 10
Which schema has multiple fact tables and dimension tables?
3 / 10
Which table have the primary key of each dimension tables that is used to join two tables?
4 / 10
What are the ways in Native HANA to create new tables in HANA?
5 / 10
Which of the following points are correct?
6 / 10
Which view is used for analysis to pass master data?
7 / 10
What is the correct process to use tables from one schema in order to create any view in native hana?
8 / 10
Choose the correct ones, in terms of HANA Modelling?
9 / 10
What schemas are available in Datawarehouse to use in Native HANA Modelling?
10 / 10
Which tables are used to create schemas and can be normalized?
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