How SAP Datasphere is better than SAP BW HANA?

Though SAP Datasphere and SAP BWHANA, both are strong data management tools, here are a few strong pointers that can prove that SAP Datasphere is better than SAP BWHANA.


  • For organizations with more diverse landscapes, Datasphere will provide a unified data environment for a wide variety of sources which include SAP, Non SAP, Cloud & On-Premise platforms.
  • The virtual data models created in the atmosphere do not require any kind of physical data movements. Whereas SAP BWHANA requires complex data modeling with physical data persistence.

  • SAP Datasphere is a cloud-native solution with better performance & scalable nature rather than the on-premise data warehouse like SAP BWHANA.

  • SAP Datasphere follows pay-as-you-go pricing methodology. The infrastructure overhead was also reduced. This is higher in the case of BWHANA being an on-premise solution.

  • All the Machine Learnings, AI Models & Advanced Analytics can be integrated directly into the data pipeline with the Datasphere platform.

  • Organizations can directly apply predictive analytics in real time, across their data set. This is much more challenging with SAP BWHANA.

  • SAP Datasphere offers a built-in feature for managing compliance & data privacy, which is very difficult when comes to BWHANA.

  • Not only that, Datasphere offers self-service data access & analytics offerings, where businesses can easily create reports & dashboards without relying on developers. BWHANA often requires technical people to take care of it.

These are a few pointers that can help us understand why SAP Datasphere is better than SAP BWHANA.

SAP BW/HANA provides robust solutions for traditional warehousing solutions. When it comes to real-time insights, advanced analytics, & agility, SAP Datasphere is a much more superior choice than SAP BWHANA.

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