Predictive Analysis in SAC MCQ Test
1 / 10
How Did SAP SAC Helps Users With Predictive Analysis?
2 / 10
Which Are the Three Important Smart Predictive Scenerios Mainly Used in Smart Predict Functionality?
3 / 10
How SAC Helps in Customer Churn Prediction?
4 / 10
How Smart Discovery Functionality Identifies Key Relationships & Patterns?
5 / 10
Which Predictive Model Can We Use for Forecasting Predictive Model?
6 / 10
Which Tool Generates the Set of Predictive Models That Explain the Impact of Different Variables on Outcomes.
7 / 10
Which Algorithm is Commonly Used for Classification Tasks in Sap Sac?
8 / 10
In SAC, Regression Analysis is Mainly Used for?
9 / 10
What Do You Know About Key Influencers Used in Sap Sac Predictive Models?
10 / 10
How Can We Identify Group of Similar Customers While Using Any Predictive Models in Sac
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